Reflection: 4th quarter (Last quarter of school year 2020-2021)

      One thing is certain. I discovered a new method of document creation. It may be a little complex and time- consuming, but typing appropriate tags and the happiness you'll feel when you see the final look of the file will make it worthwhile. HTML files are tough to encode since each and every detail is crucial, and if even one is incorrect, the entire file would be affected. It is necessary to be extremely cautious while also moving quickly, as encoding HTML files might take a long time due to their complexity.

 “Being a student is easy. Learning requires actual work.” — William Crawford

    Honestly, I find the 4th quarter lesson a bit confusing. But anyway, I do learn a lot from it. I just don't know when or where should I use them. Also, I can't believe I have done a lot of blogs. I thought it would be boring and I will be doing blogs for the sake of grades. I found blogging is fun.

    4th quarter ended very fast. I hope I can apply all these learnings in the future. Another school year has come to a conclusion, which means it's time to move forward to senior high school. This school year has been difficult, but not as difficult as when we first began modular learning.

"Anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly at first." — Ray Congdon





Development blog, Retrieved from


Aswar Akka Consultancy, Retrieved from


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