Tres de Mayo
According to Damaso King, a well- known Vigan historian, the Viva Vigan Binatbatan Festival of the Arts, which runs from the last week of April to the first week of May, was originally the Feast of the Natives, which began on May 3, 1883. In 1882, an outbreak killed 934 people in a month, sparking the festival. The outbreak began on November 12 and terminated on December 15. This occurred 30 years after a chapel in Vigan's graveyard was completed in 1852.The people honored the Santo Milagroso with a nine-day novena. The number of deaths dropped as the novena progressed, and the pandemic came to an end on the last day. People have been gathering to the cemetery chapel named Simbaan a Bassit to hear Holy Mass and continue their devotion to Apo Lakay on Fridays and the third day of May since then. They celebrated Tres de Mayo for two to three days every year. The more time they spent in their hometown, the more they pushed it as a fun tourist destination. ...