A Time To Mourn

     In the Christian's calendar, lent is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter. It begins with the Ash Wednesday. The reflection and preparation before the celebration of Easter is the lent season. Christians replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for forty days.

        Prayer is our conversation with god, to develop a more deep relationship with god. Fasting is recognized as a powerful tool for being discipline and to resist temptation. Giving is sharing what we have to other people. Observe and commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God, our savior and redeemer. The first day of lent is the Ash Wednesday. It is a holy day to pray and fasting. On those who attended the mass there is a smudge, black cross on their foreheads. Maundy Thursday is the night before Jesus died. He shared a meal with his close friends and followers. Christians remember Jesus death on Good Friday. Jesus sacrifice his life so we can be forgived by god for our sins. A joyful celebration of Jesus rising from the death gives us the opportunity to eternal life on Easter Sunday.

    Prayers on lent is focused for god's forgiveness. It is also about repenting and receiving God's love and mercy.





February 10, 2016, Lent: A season for Biblical Meditation, American Bible Society News, Retrieved from https://news.americanbible.org/blog/entry/corporate-blog/lent-a-season-for-biblical-meditation 


Jessica Wolstenholm, February 22, 2012, How To Talk To Your Kids About Lent, Minno Kids, Retrieved from https://www.gominno.com/parents/how-to-talk-to-kids-about-lent/


March 28, 2021, Palaspas, Tagalog Lang, Retrieved from https://www.tagaloglang.com/palaspas/



  1. I'm impressed with how you organized your ideas. Your blog is nice and great. Good job!

  2. I agree that prayer is our conversation with god so let's always do it for us to have a deep relationship to God. Your blog is well-organized. Keep on making informative blogs, good work!

  3. I agree with your idea on Lent Season!


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