Instant Change?

    "New Year, New Me" is one of the famous line that almost everyone on new year says. Making a long list of new years resolution and forget about it after a week or two. Last year I made a new year resolution, guess what, I don't even remember where did I wrote it. So, this year I won't make a resolution or planner. I will just go with the flow, whether I change or not. I know myself if I should change or improve something for myself. 

    Looking back on 2017, I was afraid to graduate elementary because I know me and my friends will be separated on high school. That's what I feel right now, again. This will be my last year as a junior high school. I wanted to spend my time with my friends and classmates but due to this COVID-19 we can't. I'm afraid yet excited. I am afraid that maybe my friends and I won't be the same as what we are right now. Probably we will be separated because they will be on other school and strand. I am excited meeting new people that may enter my life on senior high.

"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." -David Bowie

    New year doesn't mean being a new person. It is about unfolding a new chapter in our lives, facing challenges and learning. Being true to ourselves and live our life to the fullest. Happy new year everyone!

"You can get excited about the future, the past won't mind." -Hillary Depiano


Andrea Smith, July 5, 2018, Lonely Planet, Why this Italian town is switching to silent fireworks, Retrieved from

Orlando, December 31, 2019, Spectrum News, Where to Spend New Year's Eve in Central Florida Retrieved from

Caroline Picard and Katie Bourque, December 30, 2020, Good House Keeping, 65 New Year's Quotes That Will Inspire a Fresh Start for 2021, Retrieved from


  1. Hi Cassandra! I certainly agree that we should be true to ourselves and live our life to the fullest. Nice work and God bless!

  2. Your outlook on new year's resolution change my perception of it! Stay cool and attractive, Cassy!

  3. Hi Cassandra! I wish you all the best this year. I hope it will be a lucky year for all of us. Have a nice day and a great year, Cassandra!

  4. Hi Cassy! I like your confidence and dedication in this blog. I wish you all the best this year. Good job! Keep safe and be happy always! Godbless!


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