Happy Fiesta with a Safe and Secure Environment

     Fiesta’s are known as happy and colorful event on cities or communities around the world. A fiesta is something celebrated due to religious occasions. It is a joyful occasion in the Philippines. Delicious foods, parades and visitors come to experience the fiesta. However, because of the Covid-19, fiesta becomes dull due to less activities. I truly understand that they have to cancel some activities to lessen the spreading of Covid-19. 


    The Vigan City fiesta is held in honour of Saint Paul the Apostle. Saint Paul is Vigan City’s patron saint and it is celebrated on January 25 each year. On previous years, tourist come to Vigan City to experience and see street dancing, carnivals, art and food fairs. But because of the pandemic, these activities are canceled. For me, even if the activities are canceled we should still celebrate it inside our homes.

    Being safe and healthy is the most important right now. “Safety isn’t priceless, it’s expensive” Fiesta’s may be not as fun as it used to before, we must still acknowledge it. Let’s just hope and pray that one day we will celebrate fiesta as joyful and colorful. “At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security” Happy fiesta Vigan!



Tara Gibson, October 22, 2019, The Top 20 Workplace Safety Quote to Engage Employees, Rave Mobile Safety, Retrieved from



Danny Pata, September 29, 2012, Vigan Vies for New 7 Wonders of the World, GMA News Online, Retrieved from



  1. Well said, Cassandra! I indeed agree that safety comes first before enjoying the fiesta!

  2. Hi Cassandra! I agree that being safe and healthy is the most important thing right now. Good day!

  3. Safety should truly be our priority. We can always enjoy the festivals after the festivals. Your ideas were clearly expressed and it is easily understandable. Great work!


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