Earth Changes

     Through the years the Earth changes. As it change there are problems. Problems that we humans are coping with and trying to solve. There are over population, pollution, viruses, climate change, global warming and other social issues.

    Global warming is the heating of the Earth due to carbon dioxide. Global warming is due to human activities, fuel burning and greenhouse gases. The glaciers are melting because of global warming. Deforestation is one of the causes of global warming. We must plant more tree's to prevent this. Through plants we can reduce carbon dioxide at the same time we can benefit from it because without plant and the oxygen they release we cant live.

“The earth is all we have in common.” 

    Climate change involves both global warming triggered by human greenhouse gas emissions and the subsequent changes in weather patterns on a wide scale. Climate change may result flood, drought, typhoon, and severe heat.

    As students we can help preventing global warming or climate change. Taking care of our plants at home and planting more can help. The trend of being a "plantita" is an excellent trend that happened on social media. So let's all be plantita's to save our mother Earth.

“Time spent among trees is never time wasted.”


Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (October 10,2019), Has Global Warming Stopped, Retrieved from


Samar Sayyid (March 8, 2019), Global Warming ‘Undercuts All of the World’s Other Crises’ Retrieved from 


Brian Brassaw (April 14, 2020), Earth Day:23 of the Greatest Environmental Quotes, Retrieved from 




  1. I agree that plating can help the reduction of the global warming but in reality, Earth is covered with cement and buildings and it is getting worse every time. I hope it will never be too late to save Earth after all that we did to this poor planet.

  2. I agree that taking care of plants at home and planting more can help. Nice content ayways. Good job!

  3. Good day! Absolutely, “The earth is all we have in common.” So we have to take good care of it. Your article was great. Good job!


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